From Wellness to Wallpaper
Why are you hanging wallpaper?
I’m sure plenty of people think I’ve lost my mind. Why would I go from wellness to walls? I’m not doing it for the money. It’s not my affinity for getting dirty and hard work. It’s not just putting paper on the wall.
It is the challenge of using my mind and body in new ways. I can be both the force of a hammer and the delicate cut of a blade. It is the pleasure of bringing joy and beauty to someone through my service. It is the patience of being the apprentice—to watch, listen, and follow. It is the satisfaction of knowing that, with dedication, I can be the steward of this time-honored craft. And perhaps someday, I can hand it down to the next generation.
My newly discovered passion and vocation do not mean my love for coaching has been extinguished. I am simply choosing to bank the coals; protect them for the future. Much like wallpaper, my profession has become a rare art form, left behind in the rush of technology. Convenience has been traded for connection. “Trending” is more important than tuned-in. An algorithm that can keep your step count is more valued than a mentor who can keep your confidence.
Personal coaching, like wallpaper, may become just a “niche” but will never die out. There’s too much beauty and value in it. I have great satisfaction knowing that, with dedication, I can be the steward of this time-honored craft. And perhaps someday, I can hand it down to the next generation.